Where to start?
I worked in El Paso from October 26 through November 20. I taught a MEPD (Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities) Part One BST (Basic Skills Training) class. This class is for newly hired MEPD specialists. I teach them about the Medicaid programs that are available for the elderly and people with disabilities who live in the community. I also teach the basic policy guidelines and how to actually work a case to certify or deny an individual for Medicaid.
I love being in the classroom.
Thanksgiving Day and the day after are paid holidays for me. I took vacation days the three days before Thanksgiving, which gave me the whole week off from work. I planned to rest, clean my house and get ready to put my Christmas tree up the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
I picked Sophie (my sweet dog) up from mom and dad’s house on Saturday. When I travel, she lives with them. I guess you could say we share custody of her.
I was sick the following three days. I was finally able to do a few things on Wednesday.
Thanksgiving Day Sophie and I travelled back to mom and dads for the day. We had a good day. It was nice to spend time with my family.
Caley, Gloria, Clara and I were up early on Black Friday. Caley and I were at Old Navy at 2 a.m. only to discover that they actually opened at midnight. Our next stop was Kohl’s; then on to super Target.
I told Caley that we were making memories.
I finally had to have a nap. No nap for Caley. She played with the Lincoln Logs, watched some television and played on my phone…to be young again and full of energy.
I didn’t get my Christmas tree put up on Saturday…or Sunday.
Monday came. I was busy, busy at work.
I flew to Houston on Tuesday. I flew home on Wednesday.
Dad had surgery. What we thought would be a simple procedure and short hospital stay turned out to be a not so simple procedure. He is out of ICU; but still in the hospital.
I worry about mom. She stays by her man. 48 years of marriage.
I still haven’t put up my Christmas tree. I still have pumpkins on my mailbox and a scarecrow on the front door. At this point I don’t want to drag out the tree and all the decorations for only 12 days.
I have most of my shopping done. I’ve tried to get a couple of things each day after work. I want to avoid the weekend crowds as much as possible.
My house is still dirty and scattered. I have so much to do that I don’t know where to start.
I am thankful for my family, for the memories we make. I am thankful that I have my health, my dirty, scattered house, heat and hot water and more food than I need to eat.
I am thankful that life happens.
Holiday Blessings,
oh to be young again is right! You are also right about life happens! I love readind your blogs, glad Uncle Charlie is better. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, love ya-Raquel
I never got my Christmas tree up either, and the world just went on spinning. I hope you had a nice Christmas! I love your holiday blog design.
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