I have always loved pictures. I can remember as a young girl, looking though old pictures in my Maw Maw’s picture box. There were pictures of my aunts and uncles. There were pictures of my daddy when he was a boy; then when he was a young man. There were also pictures of relatives that I had heard stories about, but never met.
My mom likes pictures, too. She has many, many pictures. I can remember mom having several different cameras. I especially remember the one that when she snapped the picture, she pulled it out and we watched it develop. We would all gather around to see what the picture looked like.
A couple of months ago, I bought a new camera. I am excited and at the same time, a little over whelmed.
I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m still learning. It is fun.
I have a dilemma. Sophie, my sweet little dog, is very camera shy. She hides when she sees the camera in my hands. I don’t have kids of my own running around to snap pictures whenever I want to practice.
I do, however, have some nephews and a niece.
So I begged them to let me take some pictures.
They reluctantly agreed.
Brady modeled first. He is the oldest of the three and very handsome.

Then we took some group shots. Everything is going great. They are looking good.

Caley and Brady had their eyes closed in the picture below. Shawyn looked perfect. So I cropped the other two out.

By this time, Shawyn thought he had agreed to only one picture.
When he is done, he is done. Nothing will change his mind...not bribes of ice cream or money...nothing. He seems to have a bit of a stubborn streak. Personally, I think he gets it from his dad. Just my opinion...

Beautiful kids. Great models. Lots to learn.