April 30, 2009


I recently travelled to Fort Worth for business. As I drove from the airport to my hotel, I noticed bluebonnets all along the side of the road.

They were beautiful.

When I parked at the hotel this was my view.

I had to snap a couple of photos.

The next day, when I arrived at the hotel, there was a photographer taking pictures of two cute young boys. It made me wish I had a Canon 40D camera.

A girl can dream...


April 27, 2009

Expiration Dates

Recently I reached into my pantry to grab a can of soup. For some reason, I looked to see what the expiration date was. To my astonishment, the expiration date showed 2007. I began to look at the expiration date on the other food items in the pantry. With the exception of a couple of cans of corn, green chilies and pumpkin, the expiration date on all the other items was 2007.

As you probably guessed, I do not cook often. I usually buy the ingredients for a dish when I am considering making that particular dish. Sometimes the dish gets made; often times it does not. The items then get put in the pantry and forgotten about until I think about the recipe again. Sometimes it is months. Sometimes it is years.

I hate to admit it, but I have done the same thing with God. I have placed Him on a shelf; out of site, out of mind.

I have always believed in God. I was saved when I was in high school. However, I never developed a relationship with Him. I never believed that God was interested in my day to day activities. That He really wanted to know how my day went; if I was happy or sad. I never considered Him to be my friend. He was just there on the shelf for emergencies; much like a first aid kit.

God sat patiently on that shelf for many years; just longing to hear my voice call out to him.

It has taken a long time, but I am finally learning about the relationship that He desires to have with me. A relationship where we talk each and every day. A relationship where we share anything and everything. He wants to be my friend, my counsel. He wants to know and love me, flaws and all.

For years I believed that in order for God to love me, I needed to be beautiful, thin, smart…perfect. God has shown me that He loves me no matter what. No one has to tell Him what my flaws are, He knows them all. You know what? He loves me any way. He thinks I am beautiful, no matter what I weigh, how smart I am, or how organized my pantry.

I have learned that God doesn’t want to be kept on a shelf for emergencies. He wants to be involved in every aspect of my life; in little things as well as big things. He wants to celebrate the happy times and comfort me in times of sadness.

I am so grateful for God’s love. I am thankful that unlike the can goods in my pantry, His love for me does not have an expiration date, but endures forever.

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 106:1


April 26, 2009

What I Am Reading

I am reading, “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God,” by Lysa Terkeurst. I have read her blog for about a year. I love her style, her honesty. She appears to be just an everyday woman, mother, and wife. It is apparent that she loves God.

I had not, however, read any of her books. I can say that I haven’t been disappointed in this book. It is full of God’s truths.

For a couple of weeks, as I have been reading Lysa’s book, I have heard God whisper that he wants me to write for him. I have tried to ignore the whispers; telling Him that I know nothing about writing; yet I hear another whisper, “You have a blog.” To which I have responded, “Just because I have a blog doesn’t mean I can write. What if I don’t punctuate correctly? What if I use a comma when it should be a semi-colon? What if people judge me? What if? What if?”

With each excuse, I hear a whisper, “I want you to write for me.”

So I am saying yes to God. I will write for him. Even if it means I don’t punctuate correctly, even if it means I will be judged, even if I am not perfect. I am learning to trust Him completely. He will give me words.

I will still share pictures of my projects and silly things that are going on in my life. Whatever I share, just know I am writing for Him.


April 1, 2009

Birthday Cards

Happy April Fool's day! I hope you didn't get fooled to many times.

I have a couple of cards to share.

My youngest nephew celebrated his birthday in February. He wanted to ride a horse for his birthday. No, not a carousel horse; a real one. Although I could not grant that wish, I did make him a cute “Cowboy” card.

Here is card that I made for my cousin. She is celebrating her 30th birthday on Friday.

I was pleased with how it turned out. I just wished I would have stamped something for the front of the card.

I am trying to make birthday cards to send this year. For those of you who celebrated your day in January, I apologize. I sent you a store bought card. Maybe you will get a hand made surprise some time during the year.
